Boutique Brand Builders is honored to be in a position to give back for a great cause. Camp Twitch and Shout is the newest project at Boutique Brand Builders. If you any time at all, I highly recommend spending it to educate yourself about this program and the great things happening for children at Camp Twitch and Shout. Moving forward Boutique Brand Builders will be working to add updated pictures, new events, and unique videos for fundraising. This is such a special project and I can't wait to see where it ends up in the future. Take the time to see the special happenings at
Project Metal + Petal
This project is more than just a project shared by two businesses. The launch of Metal + Petal will be a marriage of two business into one unstoppable force. Boutique Brand Builders and JOD Interior Design are combining skills to create a one of a kind concept store, live blogging, and design experience. Coming late Fall 2016!
Project Athens Georgia Homes
Boutique Brand Builders is proud to announce its partnership with Athens Ga Homes. Athens Ga Homes is a premier real estate company located in Athens, GA. This is an image from the current site which work begins from immediately. The look of the website will be very important as well as directing the right customer to it. As we finish the website phase of the project, BBB will implement the advertising phase and specifically target the right buyer for the right house. Stay tuned as we begin on this exciting new project.
Project Partner Software
Project Partner Software has been a joint project taken on by Boutique Brand Builders and JOD Interior Design. This project is not only part branding but a complete office remodel. We have changed everything starting with paint, whiteboards, window treatments, media, furniture, and branding. Above is a picture of the two main branding changes. 1st we installed an 8' wide logo made out of 3/4" acrylic that was space 1 1/2" off the wall to give it a nice drop shadow. 2nd we wrapped the entire outside glass of the office, which is about 10,000 sq/ft, with an etched glass logo. These changes have given the space a whole new feel as you enter the 7th floor of the Washington St. Deck downtown Athens. These pictures do not represent the new window treatments still to be installed.
Project Prodigies Child Care Management
Boutique Brand Builders is proud to announce its partnership with Prodigies Child Care Management. The mission of Prodigies Child Care Management is to provide first-class on-site childcare to the employees and communities of partnering government agencies, universities, healthcare providers, and corporate employers. Boutique Brand Builders has worked closely with Prodigies Child Care Management to create a logo, shoot brand photography, and apply the new media to a new website. In the future we will be working together to create a children's style book that represents Prodigies Child Care Management and their business offerings. For more information about what they do, visit
Project Promotional Marketing Services
Partnering with Promotional Marketing Services is perfect with what we do at Boutique Brand Builders. Technically I guess you could say we are in the same business, we are just at opposite ends of the spectrum. It's all about brand recognition and converting customers. We started this project with a website overhaul, keeping it easy to navigate on any mobile device. The options are clean and easy to browse. Our next step is to implement a Google AdWords campaign to the state of Georgia that directs customers looking for the best in promotional items. This is just the start of the work we are planning in the future.
Project Elwood & Goetz
Project Elwood & Goetz is a unique project for Boutique Brand Builders. The goal was to take a top of the line printed customer information packet and make it better. The concept proposed was a business journal and brand photography made just for educating and attracting new customers. What Boutique Brand Builders delivered has been well received by everyone. Currently in the editing phase, we will be printing soon. Here is a sneak peak of the new and improved customer information packet.
Project The Moore Center for Plastic Surgery
The Moore Center for Plastic Surgery and Boutique Brand Builders have partnered in a huge way. This project includes a new website, brand photography, print ads, billboards, Google AdWords program, events, and a referral program. Dr. Moore is the most respected Plastic Surgeon operating the Northeast Georgia. With the launch of the new and improved The Moore Center for Plastic Surgery also came the launch of CoolSculpting in Athens, GA. Focusing on less invasive procedures and quick recovery times, Dr. Moore is applying his years of experience into this new revolution of Plastic Surgery.